Disaster Risk Reduction & Gender in Emergencies

Co-design and co-implementation for integrated risk sensitive and gender transformative local development

This initiative funded by Pooled Fund is designed to create a nexus between development and preparedness, emergency response and recovery, co-designing and co-implementing initiative together with local governments.

Humanitarian Partnership Platform

The initiative funded by Pooled Fund serves as an avenue for CARE Nepal and local partners to strengthen coordinated humanitarian actions focusing on Gender in emergency (GiE) through effective and efficient preparedness planning, coordination, capacity building, collective action and resource leveraging.

Fear of hunger is bigger than the fear of COVID

Unlike many people who had to make a troublesome journey to Nepal, Reshma and her family had an easier border entry.When her family arrived in Nepalgunj, she was happy with the services and facilities at quarantine site provided by the government and non-government organizations. She found it considerate when CARE Nepal handed her a kit including hygiene materials for women.

Barren Land irrigated for Production

The earthquake and its aftershock triggered many landslides in the village, because of which, the canal was filled with debris. As a result, numerous lands were left barren. Villagers made several attempts to clean the canal. However, repair and maintenance of the canal was not taking shape due to lack of guidance and other priorities. This issue was raised in the ReFLECT session, where they discussed the impact of decreasing harvest and low earnings. Since then, ReFLECT members decided to rebuild the canal. For this purpose, they coordinated with the Ward Disaster Climate Resilience Committee (WDCRC) and Local Irrigation Committee to proceed reconstruction of the canal. With the help of 125 villagers, ReFLECT members completed cleaning the canal working continuously from 30 Dec 2018 to 13 Jan 2019. 

Restored Happiness

The situation after the earthquake was an extreme struggle for the Majhi family. Their house had collapsed and they were forced to live in a makeshift tent. “It was very hard to stay inside the tent. During the day, it was crazily hot, and once night time came, it used to get very cold. The earthquake had ruined everything”, tears rolled down Kul Bahadur’s eyes while he shared the story trying to look brave.

Sapana’s dream

Menstruation is completely a natural process. Nevertheless, women are still facing social and health related challenges around menstruation. Researches say, mostly adolescent girls have been affected by the socio-cultural taboos around their monthly cycle. Download this cartoon to find out more about Sapana’s dream of spreading awareness around menstruation and engaging boys and principal of her school to advocate for menstrual hygiene and healthy spaces in this regard.

Phone Number:

    • 01-5422800


    • npl.carenepal@care.org


    • House Number – 777/34
    • Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur
    • P.O. Box 1661, Kathmandu, Nepal

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